Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

Hello again,

With the WHO declaring a Phase 4 Pandemic alert (, people should get prepared for the possibility of a full blown pandemic. There are simple and effective ways of combating and reducing the risk of contributing to the spreading of the virus and help to contain the disease. Below you can find information on effective means of preventing spread of human swine influenza.

1. Sneeze and cough into your sleeve!!! If you do sneeze/cough into a handkerchief, tissue paper, or your hands, remember to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. Influenza and the common cold are spread through contact with bodily fluids, most commonly nasal and oral droplets. Check out this link, you'll get the picture...
2. Frequent hand washing is a must... most effective with soap and water. Disinfectant alcohol based hand sanitizers are also good.
3. If you are feeling ill or if you feel like you're coming down with something, be sure to avoid contact with others, do not go into work, and see your doctor. This way, you'll ensure that you're not infecting other people. Also, if you are feeling fluish, it is wise to wear a mask to avoid human air born transmission of the disease.

For more information and answers to many questions, check out this link...

Here's to your Saúde!!

Dr. Henry

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Back pain: Kids get it too!!

Hello again!

The inspiration for this post came from the number of friends of mine who are teachers and I suppose my, what seemed to be, never ending schooling. I was asked back in October to contribute to a community newpaper piece focusing on advise for parents and young students on how to avoid back pain due to heavy back packs. These things sometimes weigh as much as the little guy or girl carrying them!! No wonder their parents bring them in with pain...

Check out the link for the full story:

Remember, pack it light, wear it right!!

Till next time, here's to your Saúde!

Dr. Henry

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stretching: The truth! By Dr. Doug Richards...

Hello again!!

Dr. Richards is one of the most influential professors that I encountered while going through 9 years of post-secondary education. He is a legend in the sports medicine world and a mentor to many. I use the foundational information that he presents in this lecture with my patients on a daily basis to help dispel the many myths about stretching!

Please find below his email explaining how to check out his lecture and vote! So please check out his lecture, learn something new about stretching, and vote for him!

Message sent on behalf of Dr. Doug Richards ...

Dear PHE and Varsity Blues alumnae and alumni,

I am writing to ask for your support in this year's TVOntario Best Lecturer contest. I am honoured to have made it to the finals. The winner among the 10 finalists will be decided by viewer voting, as well as by a panel of judges. Viewer votes are critical - I need your support to win!

In past years, finalists from smaller universities have done better, in part because their smaller communities have rallied to vote en masse for their nominees more effectively. With your help, we can show them that U of T has as much school spirit as they have at those schools!

Please help me out with your votes (you can vote as many times as you like :) )! You can even win a 50" flat-screen plasma HDTV by voting!

You can vote for me on-line through this link:

You can view my lecture (on stretching) on-line through this link

Note that "rating" my lecture video is not the same thing as voting in the contest - please vote, too.

Thank you so much for your support.


Dr. Doug Richards
Medical Director, David L. MacIntosh Sport Medicine Clinic
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Physical Education and Health
University of Toronto